to the person who asked about lyrics to “Farewell Mother Russia”

(And yeah, I know it was forever ago, sorry we’re bad at answering messages!)

Tumblr managed to eat your ask as I was replying to it, but the gist of it was that you were wondering if we had the lyrics to “Farewell Mother Russia” by Debra Sanders and Kathy Mar, since you couldn’t find them anywhere, and couldn’t hear all the words in the recording on YouTube.

I haven’t been able to find any lyrics online – I’m sure they’re written down in a songbook somewhere, but wherever it is, it hasn’t been digitized or transcribed. (If anyone does have the lyrics lying around somewhere, please let us know!)

That said, I was able to transcribe most of the words from the online recording. There’s just one word in the chorus I can’t quite catch – if anyone knows what it is, or has any corrections to my transcription, absolutely chime in!

[ETA: correct line provided by @sci-fantasy]

I am the navigator of the Starship Enterprise,
And I am honor-bound by oath to guide her through the skies,
But greater than that honor is the pleasure that I feel
Each time I stop to realize that all my dreams are real.

Farewell Mother Russia, I rise to meet the stars
And take my balalaika song beyond the moon and mars,
Though somewhere Mother Russia is white with winter snows,
I help to forge that starry trail, and go where no man goes.

Oh I have seen an entity who tortured me with rage,
And I have known an alien plague that cursed young men with age,
But I’ve discovered joys as well, and made a friend or two,
Drunk vodka, yes, and told some tales when every trek was through.


Forgive me sweet Irina, I never learned to love,
My eyes were always turned toward the starry skies above,
But if I had another chance to do what I must do,
Beside me on the Enterprise would be no one but you.


Babylon Grease – fixomnia

Babylon Grease

Babylon Grease: The Musical

The inspiration for this bit of randomness is threefold: one, the unhealthy obsession that my childhood best friend and I had for the Travolta/Newton-John movie; two, the merging of Jeff Conaway’s career-bookends, “Keneckie” and “Zack Allen”; and three, the sudden auditory hallucination of Ambassador Delenn singing, “Appropriately Devoted to You”. After that, there was no sleep to be had until the whole thing played out. True Greasers will see there’s still a lot of territory to fill in.

The disturbing part is the number of lines that needed little filking…which says a lot about the alienation of teenagers in the 1950’s, if nothing else!

Anyway, enjoy.

[submitted by ]

Doctor Who Theme – Another Castle & Riverside Castle

At Worldcon 75 in Helsinki, the Finnish nörttikuoro were out in force. Unreality (Helsinki), Pixel Sisters (Tampere), and the joint choirs of Another Castle (Helsinki) and Riverside Castle (Turku) all held well-attended concerts. The Worldcon members even set up their own Worldcon 75 choir, led by former Pixel Sisters leader Päivi Itäpuro. The only choir which did not hold a concert was the most filkish of them all, Filkkifriikit, since most of their members were full-time staff at the con.

Here is the Another Castle & Riverside Castle concert.

[submitted by anonymous]

The Creation of Ea – Benjamin Newman

Only in silence the word,
only in dark the light,
only in dying life:
bright the hawk’s flight
on the empty sky.

Sad news: Ursula K. Le Guin has passed away, at age 88.  In her memory: the epigraph from A Wizard of Earthsea, set to music by Ben Newman.

Rest in peace, lady.

One too many Mornings – Again – Mark Horning

One too many Mornings – Again

Yes, it’s a Groundhog Day Filk.

One to Many Mornings, Again
Lyrics: Mark E. Horning Dec, 2017
Music: Bob Dylan, 1963

Down the streets the folks are walkin’
And they’re gathrin’ at the park
Gone to see the groundhog,
And if he his shadow marks.
–They say it is a portent
–They say it is a sign,
–But I’m one too many mornings…
–And a thousand lives behind.

The restless morning’s shattered,
The same damn song begins,
There’s no escape, I can’t get out
And it’s yesterday again.
–I’ve tried to kill the rodent,
–And myself  – uncounted times.
–And I’m one too many mornings…
–and a thousand lives behind

Now I’ve memorized the future,
Just as long as it’s today,
Free of consequences,
They won’t remember anyway.
–The circle stands unbroken,
–Past and future, intertwined.
–I’m still one too many mornings…
–And a thousand lives behind.

[submitted by ]

Leviathan, The Girl – PhemieC


Some short Rose filk for Jewce (who is lovely)! 😀

Download at Soundcloud Source.


What a vision of darkness, creeps in with desperate sharpness, lecherous grafting of knowledge to my young mortal subconscious.
Words writ by breath of the ancients, wiser than even the pagans, or the wizened old men with wands and white beards that once were ensconced in my pages.

Obfuscated by doom, and laden with arduous tasks are the pathways laid out for the lot of us.
Mages and witches and princes and maids, pages with inches of space for mistakes.

I am the beast, I am the light, I am the blighted being cursed with sight
I am the god who created a world, I am leviathan, the girl

I can do it on my own, but you’re a hero after all, and we may think our sacrifice is just but pride comes right before the fall.
The cascade of rain on my needles, a hand grasping tight to the bottle, of a woman with untapped potential, the ennui of too late and too little.

Our failures have made, a bridge for success, if our game is half played, then who’s played the rest of it?
Heroes we were in a universe doomed, soldiers in battles best left un-exhumed.

I am the beast, I am the light, I am the blighted being cursed with sight
I am the god who created a world, I am leviathan, the girl. And-

I can do it on my own
we can do it on our own
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam (x2)

I am Leviathan, the girl…


PhemieC bringing the Homestuck goodness, as ever.

Storm Chasers – Ingrid Windsland


Storm Chasers

After what seems like forever, I’ve finally managed to write a new song! This one is for @iskabee for writing Liminal.

Storm Chasers
By Ingrid Windsland

If you summon the thunder
I’ll bring the rain
And if we stand in silence
We can pretend
To be together again

It only gives when I give in
This game that we’ve been playing
When your presence marks my skin
With goosebumps, courage fraying

And I know you don’t want my guilt
It sticks like humid weather
Teal disdain leaks from your soul
From wounds we made together

If you summon the thunder
I’ll bring the rain
And if we stand in silence
We can pretend
To be together again

You only give when I don’t pull
But never what I’m craving
What was us now paints your skin
Soft scar tissue fading

And you know I can’t give you my heart
It’s lost in stormy weather
But if you smash the hourglass
We can search for it together

If you summon the thunder
I’ll bring the rain
And if we stand in silence
We can pretend

If you summon the thunder
I’ll bring the rain
And if we stand together
We can pretend

Cause if you summon the thunder
I’ll bring the rain
And if we stand in silence
We can pretend
To be together again

Long Distance Transmission – Grauntie Scribe


A new sad space song with lyrics by Nate @astriiformes set to the Thaxted tune from Holst’s ‘Jupiter.” Original post here.



‘Cross the light-scattered starfields, past the moons of planets large and small
‘Cross the belts filled with asteroids comes a message: do you hear my call?
Though it’s faint, I trust you’re out there
Though it’s small amidst the void
We are bonded by friendship, which cannot be destroyed

I will not cease the signal, I am still awaiting your reply
I do not doubt it’s coming for a moment, sure as comets fly
There are light-years set between us
There are parsecs in the way
But I know that you’re listening, and your words will find the way

I will dream we’re together, I will wish it every time I can
And just maybe, fate will see us once again joining hand in hand
But if space stays vast between us
If we’re star systems apart
Know I’ll keep on transmitting, you’re always in my heart.