Doctor Who Theme – Another Castle & Riverside Castle

At Worldcon 75 in Helsinki, the Finnish nörttikuoro were out in force. Unreality (Helsinki), Pixel Sisters (Tampere), and the joint choirs of Another Castle (Helsinki) and Riverside Castle (Turku) all held well-attended concerts. The Worldcon members even set up their own Worldcon 75 choir, led by former Pixel Sisters leader Päivi Itäpuro. The only choir which did not hold a concert was the most filkish of them all, Filkkifriikit, since most of their members were full-time staff at the con.

Here is the Another Castle & Riverside Castle concert.

[submitted by anonymous]

I Ain’t the Doctor Any More – Silver-Stargazing


I just re-watched “The Day of the Doctor” for the first time in years and found that I really liked the War Doctor on a second watch.

I noticed there really hasn’t been much fan work about this sad old soldier since the 50th Anniversary special so here’s a filk song dedicated to Captain Grumpy set to the tune of “I Ain’t Marching Anymore”.

Lyrics under the cut:

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The Girl Who Waited – The PDX Broadsides

I don’t need you to rescue me
I just need you to care
I’d like to think you think of me out there
You were my companion
Just as much as I was yours
I was the girl who waited…
I’m not waiting any more 

“The Girl Who Waited” by the PDX Broadsides, a message from Amy Pond to the Doctor.

Lyrics available on bandcamp.

Everybody Knows – badwolfonbakerstreet


Everybody Knows
Collaboration with kristalbrooks who wrote the lyrics and I offered to write the music and record it. She also made the cover.

Download on Soundcloud


“Our lives are back to front: his future is my past, his firsts my lasts. The day is coming when I’ll look into that man’s eyes, and he won’t have the faintest idea of who I am. And I think it’s going to kill me.“


Do you remember any of my faces?
You were older but still I recognise you
Sometimes you knew me well, sometimes you didn’t
And it would break my heart when you didn’t trust me

You used to yell at me for knowing things you didn’t
And I would hear you scream a thousand times now
If I could run from here, somewhere you don’t see me
So, is this how you start, is this how I end?

‘Cause since the first day you came into my life
It’s always been ‘spoilers’ and twisty time lines
Never thought this was going to be our goodbye
But, love, you have always known, this is how I die

I can’t seem to break this glass case to wake you
I feel the world breaking, falling, burying me
This is the first time you meet me, I can see
It’s written in your eyes and it’s killing me

‘Cause since the first day you came into my life
It’s always been ‘spoilers’ and twisty time lines
Never thought this was going to be our goodbye
But, love, you have always known, this is how I die

And I should have known, ‘cause when I last saw you
You made the Towers sing for me and we danced
I heard you cry as you held me close to you
So, love, you have always known, this is when I die


And I know I won’t see you any more
But, sweetie, you’ve got all of that to come
It’s all still waiting for you, all that we’ve done
You and me, time and space, you watch us run

‘Cause since the first day you came into my life
It’s always been ‘spoilers’ and twisty time lines
Never thought this was going to be our goodbye
But, love, you have always known, this is how I die

And I should have known, ‘cause when I last saw you
You made the Towers sing for me and we danced
I heard you cry as you held me close to you
So, love, you have always known, this is when I die
And everybody knows everybody dies
Everybody knows that everybody dies

I Ain’t A Martian Anymore – Araxie Haldane


What was the very first filk song you wrote about?


oooh! I was writing songs since I was very small and they were all about fantasy things (exception: the time my fourth-grade class wrote and performed a musical about whales in which I played a marine biologist/detective) because everything in my life was about fantasy things.
But the first actual filk I wrote was a collab with one of my best friends from college. It was written to the tune of “I Ain’t Marching Anymore” and was called “I Ain’t A Martian Anymore.” I should see if I can dig up the words.
I think that she came up with the title, and then I suggested the line “Take a look at what we’ve done with a laser-powered gun,” and then we wrote verses back and forth to each other over the summer and on each other’s whiteboards when we got back to school. It was a very fun process!
(bonus minor collaborators were my dad for insisting I find a way to rhyme “vortex” with “cerebral cortex” and @thebastardofgloucester for knowing board games they play in the Star Wars universe)

… i have a MIGHTY NEED  to see these lyrics

Okay, here we are. Turns out I still have the whole thing memorized even though I need to go look up that Star Wars board game every time.
I Ain’t A Martian Anymore
You’ve heard of those Ferengi with their acquisition rules
Their plotting and their scheming and their lore
They take all that they need, they have no law but greed
But I ain’t a Martian anymore!
And you’ve doubtless met those green men in their funny little ships
Drawing circles in your fields of corn
Every day is an occasion for an alien invasion
But I ain’t a Martian anymore!
For it’s red planet’s children that always go to war
Red planet’s children who fall
Take a look at what we’ve done with a laser-powered gun
And tell me was it worth it all?

I’ve had my share of combat now in every part of life
In games of dejarik as well as war
If a wookie has to win it then why bother to begin it?
And I ain’t a Martian anymore!
And I must have wiped the Daleks out at least a hundred times
But they keep on resurrecting by the score
When they next return I’m slated to be first exterminated
But I ain’t a Martian anymore!
For it’s red planet’s children that always go to war
Red planet’s children who fall
Take a look at what we’ve done with a laser-powered gun
And tell me was it worth it all?

I may have been a Martian but I’m sick of all this strife
I’m sick of spilling alien guts and gore
I’ll wind up like a Reaver smashing heads in with a cleaver
If I stay a Martian anymore!
Now the Cybermen are screaming that the universe is theirs
The Vogons threaten poetry galore
Let them toss me in a vortx, mess with my cerebral cortex
But I ain’t a Martian anymore!
No I ain’t a Martian anymore!
For it’s red planet’s children that always go to war
Red planet’s children who fall
Take a look at what we’ve done with a laser-powered gun
And tell me was it worth it all?

Thirteen – Crime and the Forces of Evil



Hey, the new song is up! There are actually several new songs in the pipeline but this is the one that’s finished right now. It’s called “Thirteen,” and it’s a free download, though you can always hit the tip jar if you like it.

I made it for Conflikt, where I was MCing as Toastmuppet this past weekend. It’s a filk convention – geek music goes back a while, this is a geek folk music (“filk”) con – so of course I made them some geek folk metal, a semi-cover of the Vixy & Tony track “Thirteen.”

Their original isn’t about Doctor Who contemplating his own mortality after running out of regenerations, though. That’s just my version. I was all, “What’s the filkiest thing I can do for this con? Oh, I know, take a well-known filk track and make it even geekier by making it about the Doctor.”

Their original is here, if you want a listen. It’s quite different.

More on Conflikt tomorrow. I shot parts of the con with a fisheye-lens film camera. YEAH I SAID FILM IT IS HILARIOUS I HAD TO STEAL IT FROM THE PRESIDENT ORDER IT FROM JAPAN. I also said fisheye, because the camera was a gift and it has a fisheye lens and you can’t turn it off. FULL-THROTTLE FISHINESS BEGINS TOMORROW!

Assuming the film comes out. I don’t even know. I sure hope it does, I’m not joking about it being imported from the home islands. It’s the last place you can buy ISO 1600 colour film as far as I know.
Okay that’s enough words. LESS TALK MORE FILK!

Mirrored from Crime and the Blog of Evil. Come check out our music at:
Bandcamp (full album streaming) | Videos | iTunes | Amazon | CD Baby

I finally set up a Soundcloud account, and put this on it. 😀 (Also Kaiju Meat. I should probably put all my most fandom-related songs on it.)

The Last Centurion’s Song – Will Sturman

I got left alone in a recording studio last week, so I thought I’d do a recording of the Doctor Who song thebastardofgloucester and scribefindegil wrote, to the tune of Leslie Fish’s “Roman Centurion’s Song.”  Because it’s great and I want people to hear it.

Lyrics and a link to the original song here