Modern Myths – 50 years since Man first walked on another world. Let’s not make it the last.
mark horning
When Eagles Fall – Mark Horning
When Eagles Fall
15 years…
Columbia has fallen, from a brilliant azure sky,
And left a wake of smoke and flame, thirty-eight miles high,
And seven of our very best, are gone forevermore,
Flesh and steel paid the supreme price to explore…
[submitted by rocket-song-acoustic]
One too many Mornings – Again – Mark Horning
One too many Mornings – Again
Yes, it’s a Groundhog Day Filk.
One to Many Mornings, Again
Lyrics: Mark E. Horning Dec, 2017
Music: Bob Dylan, 1963
Down the streets the folks are walkin’
And they’re gathrin’ at the park
Gone to see the groundhog,
And if he his shadow marks.
–They say it is a portent
–They say it is a sign,
–But I’m one too many mornings…
–And a thousand lives behind.
The restless morning’s shattered,
The same damn song begins,
There’s no escape, I can’t get out
And it’s yesterday again.
–I’ve tried to kill the rodent,
–And myself – uncounted times.
–And I’m one too many mornings…
–and a thousand lives behind
Now I’ve memorized the future,
Just as long as it’s today,
Free of consequences,
They won’t remember anyway.
–The circle stands unbroken,
–Past and future, intertwined.
–I’m still one too many mornings…
–And a thousand lives behind.
[submitted by rocket-song-acoustic]
The Four Angels – Mark Horning
Since we seem to be on a Kipling kick lately:
The Four Angels Lyrics: Rudyard Kipling, 1905
Music: Mark Horning, 2005
Recorded live in Concert at CopperCon 34
The Four Angels
The Fairies' Siege – Mark Horning
via @rocket-song-acoustic: Kipling and 12-string guitar. For some reason I can’t play this one without thinking of Seanan’s Toby Daye series.
“The Fairies’ Siege,” words by Rudyard Kipling, music and performance by Mark Horning
The Fairies Siege
Legacy of Legends – Mark Horning
“Legacy of Legends,” by Mark Horning, written in memorial for Gene Cernan who passed away on Monday 16 January, 2017. The last man on the moon is with us no more.
Another year goes by,
Another hero fades away.
Another Living Legend,
From a brighter future day…
–When hope rose up on flaming wing
–And dreams were forged of steel
–And the men who strode the heavens
–Were very, very, real…
Four Stars – Mark Horning
The news has been full of reports lately that 80% of North Americans can no longer see the Milky Way due to light pollution. Can. not. even. SEE. the. MILKY. WAY! So, while this is a couple years old, it’s still depressingly on topic:
She grew up in the city. It’s the only life she knows,
Surrounded by glass buildings, and the neon city’s glow.
And the only stars she’s ever seen were on the picture show…
Concert Set from BayCon 2016 – Mark Horning
Concert Set from BayCon 2016
Vocals and Guitar: Mark E. Horning.
Videography: Christine Tillman
Soundboard: Kristoph Klover
Roll On Sojoner © Mark Horning
Modern Myths © Mark Horning
Undiscovered Country © Mark Horning
Dreams of Dragons © Mark Horning
Last © Mark Horning
Bound…no More © Mark Horning
It Doesn’t Matter Anymore © Larry Warner
The theme for the 2016 BayCon was “It’s all about Space”
(since I’ll be updating even more sporadically than usual, how about a whole concert?)
Dreams of Dragons – Mark Horning
And who here has never dreamed of dragons?
Who here has never dreamed of stars?
Well we might be dreaming still, but there’s a fire oe’r the hill
And a red Dragon has set her sights on Mars
Something new, inspired by the SpaceX announcement that they were planning to send a Dragon Capsule to Mars, “Dreams of Dragons,” by Mark Horning
LAST – Mark Horning
I have always thought that it must be a terrible burden to be Eugene Cernan. Who wants to be known as the LAST man on the moon?
Armstrong and Aldrin, heroes of yore,
Doing something never been done before.
But I would honor,
Cernan and Schmitt,
The very last people to journey that trip.