Alchemy – Cerian Cantwr

@arachnaetheyarnspider submitted: It’s been a while since I’ve seen any SCA filk on here. How about a song about a Very Serious Ancient Science?

(Let’s be honest, it’s been a while since there’s been ANYTHING on here.  I Have Become Grad School -dog mod)

Cerian Cantwr singing a song called “Alchemy,” about….alchemy.

Would you happen to know/have a link to any sort of ‘filk primer’ playlists or song recs, to send to people who are new to filk?

Nat (brain mod) made a whole “Filk 101″ series on 8tracks!
These have a got a pretty good range of songs, but I’d love to know if anyone else has an “intro to filk” playlist they give people when they’re trying to drag them in, or if there’s a song they consider The Filk Song when they want to give somebody a quick example!

Sun of Vulcan – Debra F. Sanders & Cynthia McQuillin

Sun of Vulcan grant that I may be restored
I do not seek nor understand, what I am fighting for

Have you always wanted to hear a heartfelt song about Pon Farr?  Would you like some genuine, vintage, archival quality Spirk content?  Yes, yes you would.

“Sun of Vulcan,” by Debra F. Sanders & Cynthia McQuillin

Lyrics below the cut, since they’re not readily available online.  Thanks to @aaaaaicantthinkofaname for the transcription!

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Keylor’s Rage – Heather Alexander

Keylor’s rage is burning for all her slaughtered kin
Pray gods we reach the back door while she’s still coming in
She spares no man or woman, her eyes blaze like the sun
She moves like nothing human – good gods, what has she done?

“Keylor’s Rage,” sung by Heather Alexander, based on lyrics in Andre Norton’s Witch World novels.  Full lyrics under the cut.

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Railway to Hogwarts – Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff

There’s a young man who lived
In a hole ‘neath the stairs
Now he’s riding the railway to Hogwarts. 

Lyrics available on Bandcamp.

Rosemary and Rue – Brooke vs. John

Rosemary and rue, rosemary and rue
By cut grass and copper, just this can I offer
A lonely bouquet of rosemary and rue. 

“Rosemary & Rue” by Brooke Abbey, based on the book of same title by Seanan McGuire.

Lyrics (and chords!) available on Bandcamp.

Save the World – specialagentartemis


Save the World – a filk song for MGS4

They’re asking

Come back, save this world

Just one more time

For your honor, for your girl,

Come save the world

I‘ve had this tune in my head for months – no idea if I actually came up with it, or stole it, or what, but I’ve been trying to put lyrics to it for ages without much success.

Then I thought “What do I have a lot of passion about?” and the answer as always is Metal Gear Solid.  The lyrics wrote themselves in a single afternoon.

I have… lots of feelings about MGS4.


[for @mgswintergames, specialagentartemis of team Diamond Dogs, for O13]

Takin’ Our Words Away – Tom Smith


This is a straight-up protest song, spurred by the Trump Administration’s decree that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are not allowed to use certain words in any documents pertaining to the agency’s budget ( ).

The ones in charge are livin large,
You might say they have a dream:
They rule the world, but still want all the money,
And no tactic’s too extreme.
They don’t care for our people or laws,
New outrages every day,
And just so you know, there’s a brand new low –
They’re taking our words away.

They make a big point of sayin’ this is just for
Discussion of the budget for the fiscal year.
But if they take one word, four words, seven words,
What makes you think that they’re gonna stop here?
Only allowed and approved information,
Even if it happens to be false and wrong
You think that chemistry, physics, biology,
You think the whole world is gonna go along?

The science doesn’t care,
The universe doesn’t care,
The government doesn’t care,
Where do we go from there?

Transgender fetus entitlement diversity vulnerable evidence- and science-based.
Not letting us discuss reality, keeping us ignorant, in our place.
Stay far away from the real agenda, cutting off our noses to spite their face.
Transgender fetus entitlement diversity vulnerable evidence- and science-based.

Takin’ our words away,
Takin’ our words away,
How long till there’s nothing left to say,
Takin’ our words away.

Denying science, ignoring evidence
Won’t make an oil pipeline un-spill.
Calling a fetus a baby doesn’t give it
Any health care when the mom falls ill.
Diversity just means people are different,
The great American melting pot,
Being transgender just means feeling in your
Heart that you’re something they say you’re not.

People moralize,
See through fanatic’s eyes,
Use God to bolster lies,
Why are you so surprised?

(transgender fetus entitlement diversity vulnerable evidence- and science-based)

Takin’ our words away,
Takin’ our words away,
How long till there’s nothing left to say,
Takin’ our words away.

Takin’ our words away,
Takin’ our words away,
How long till there’s nothing left to say,
Takin’ our words away.

All of the masters have brought disaster,
Listenin to the ravings of a crazy clown.
They’re already rich, so they think they
Deserve all the money that’s layin’ around.
Entitlement sounds like somethin’ for nothin’,
But all you’re entitled to is tricklin’ down.
They want to take We The People to the bathtub
And hold us under until we drown.

They tell you what to hate,
They tell you who to fear,
But I swear it’s not too late
To sing out loud and clear.

Transgender fetus entitlement diversity vulnerable evidence- and science-based,
Not letting us discuss reality, don’t let the opposition make their case.
Misogyny, bigotry, money, supremacy, all it’s gonna cost is the human race.
Transgender fetus entitlement diversity vulnerable evidence- and science-based.

Takin’ our words away,
Takin’ our words away,
How long till there’s nothing left to say,
Takin’ our words away.

Takin’ our words away,
Takin’ our words away,
Nothing left to say….

released February 4, 2018
image nicked from Science March Seattle,