O Christmas Tree Cluster – Sophus


I wrote an ode to the Christmas Tree Cluster, and all the other awesome astronomical objects in it’s region. This is my present to you, Internet.

Have an awesome holiday– and may the stars shine bright tonight!

O Christmas Tree Cluster

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

How brightly shines
your majesty!

Called NGC

But you are also so
much more.

O Christmas tree, O
Christmas tree,

How brightly shines
your majesty!


O Christmas tree, O
Christmas tree,

So many stars adorn

Your stellar furnace
casts it’s glow,

And bathes us in
it’s light below.

O Christmas tree, o
Christmas tree,

So many stars adorn


O Christmas tree, O
Christmas tree,

Twinkling for our

So far to fly for
Santa’s sleigh:

light years ‘way.

O Christmas tree, O
Christmas tree,

Twinkling for our


O Christmas tree, O
Christmas tree,

We greet you at our

We lift our eyes up
to the sky;

Your light inspires
man to fly.

O Christmas tree, O
Christmas tree,

greet you at our apogee!


I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 licence.

Alchemy – Cerian Cantwr

@arachnaetheyarnspider submitted: It’s been a while since I’ve seen any SCA filk on here. How about a song about a Very Serious Ancient Science?

(Let’s be honest, it’s been a while since there’s been ANYTHING on here.  I Have Become Grad School -dog mod)

Cerian Cantwr singing a song called “Alchemy,” about….alchemy.

Takin’ Our Words Away – Tom Smith


This is a straight-up protest song, spurred by the Trump Administration’s decree that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are not allowed to use certain words in any documents pertaining to the agency’s budget ( goo.gl/35oBLX ).

The ones in charge are livin large,
You might say they have a dream:
They rule the world, but still want all the money,
And no tactic’s too extreme.
They don’t care for our people or laws,
New outrages every day,
And just so you know, there’s a brand new low –
They’re taking our words away.

They make a big point of sayin’ this is just for
Discussion of the budget for the fiscal year.
But if they take one word, four words, seven words,
What makes you think that they’re gonna stop here?
Only allowed and approved information,
Even if it happens to be false and wrong
You think that chemistry, physics, biology,
You think the whole world is gonna go along?

The science doesn’t care,
The universe doesn’t care,
The government doesn’t care,
Where do we go from there?

Transgender fetus entitlement diversity vulnerable evidence- and science-based.
Not letting us discuss reality, keeping us ignorant, in our place.
Stay far away from the real agenda, cutting off our noses to spite their face.
Transgender fetus entitlement diversity vulnerable evidence- and science-based.

Takin’ our words away,
Takin’ our words away,
How long till there’s nothing left to say,
Takin’ our words away.

Denying science, ignoring evidence
Won’t make an oil pipeline un-spill.
Calling a fetus a baby doesn’t give it
Any health care when the mom falls ill.
Diversity just means people are different,
The great American melting pot,
Being transgender just means feeling in your
Heart that you’re something they say you’re not.

People moralize,
See through fanatic’s eyes,
Use God to bolster lies,
Why are you so surprised?

(transgender fetus entitlement diversity vulnerable evidence- and science-based)

Takin’ our words away,
Takin’ our words away,
How long till there’s nothing left to say,
Takin’ our words away.

Takin’ our words away,
Takin’ our words away,
How long till there’s nothing left to say,
Takin’ our words away.

All of the masters have brought disaster,
Listenin to the ravings of a crazy clown.
They’re already rich, so they think they
Deserve all the money that’s layin’ around.
Entitlement sounds like somethin’ for nothin’,
But all you’re entitled to is tricklin’ down.
They want to take We The People to the bathtub
And hold us under until we drown.

They tell you what to hate,
They tell you who to fear,
But I swear it’s not too late
To sing out loud and clear.

Transgender fetus entitlement diversity vulnerable evidence- and science-based,
Not letting us discuss reality, don’t let the opposition make their case.
Misogyny, bigotry, money, supremacy, all it’s gonna cost is the human race.
Transgender fetus entitlement diversity vulnerable evidence- and science-based.

Takin’ our words away,
Takin’ our words away,
How long till there’s nothing left to say,
Takin’ our words away.

Takin’ our words away,
Takin’ our words away,
Nothing left to say….

released February 4, 2018
image nicked from Science March Seattle, twitter.com/scimarchseattle


Wings of Human Knowledge – Echo’s Children

There are wings of flesh and feather, there are wings of bone and leather
There are wings of painted paper pinned to polished wooden spars
But wings of force and fire never falter, never tire
And the wings of human knowledge span the void between the stars.

Lyrics available on Bandcamp.

Eureka! – The PDX Broadsides

“Eureka! Eureka!” Archimedes cried
And throughout all of history, from both far and wide
It’s a new discovery, they exclaim with pride
“Eureka! Eureka!” Science is applied! 

“Eureka!” by the PDX Broadsides, a sweet song commemorating some of the brilliant scientists who’ve made discoveries that change the shape of human knowledge.

Lyrics available on Bandcamp.

Outward Bound – Echo’s Children

“They’re looking for a scientist,” my buddy said one day,
“‘Course, the only thing that’s smaller than the quarters is the pay,
But it does mean work in orbit–” I said “Get out of my way!”
And it won’t be much longer now.

I’ve had a berth on Outward Bound since she was begun
I’ve got a berth on Outward Bound and she’s almost done
I’ve got a berth on Outward Bound and–hey!–I’ve got to run!
Cause it won’t be much longer now. 

“Outward Bound” by Echo’s Children, perfect for when you want to bellow along to a space exploration singalong.

Lyrics available here.

My Planet’s Child – Echo’s Children

Oh, I come by it honestly if I am star-beguiled,
For if I am a rover, well, I am my planet’s child.
The very iron in my blood has wandered wide and far–
Forged and flung from the fire’s heart that fueled a foreign star. 

“My Planet’s Child,” a joyful song about space exploration by Echo’s Children.

Lyrics available on Bandcamp.