Rosemary and Rue – Brooke vs. John

Rosemary and rue, rosemary and rue
By cut grass and copper, just this can I offer
A lonely bouquet of rosemary and rue. 

“Rosemary & Rue” by Brooke Abbey, based on the book of same title by Seanan McGuire.

Lyrics (and chords!) available on Bandcamp.

One Salt Sea – Cat Faber

Two the ocean races that of one blood remain;
A single skin encases the slayers and the slain,
But blood will blood deliver, though later comes the fee,
As every rushing river runs to one salt sea.

“One Salt Sea” by Cat Faber, inspired by the book of the same title in Seanan McGuire’s October Daye series. If you’re not familiar with the series the lyrics will sound kinda cryptic, but they’re cool enough that it’s still worth a listen.

Lyrics are available on Bandcamp.

Oak & Ash – Cat Faber and Atlanta Housefilk

Ominous, beautiful, and technically experimental.

Apparently, this is based on something by Seanan McGuire, and maybe it makes more specific sense if one has read this thing by Seanan McGuire, but out of context it’s just haunting.

Lyrics, chords, and sheet music available here
(if this doesn’t play from your dash, try going to the permalink.  I’m not sure what’s up with the file, but sometimes it’s finicky.)