For your holiday listening pleasure. The Faithful Sidekicks do it again. 😀
O Christmas Tree Cluster – Sophus
I wrote an ode to the Christmas Tree Cluster, and all the other awesome astronomical objects in it’s region. This is my present to you, Internet.
Have an awesome holiday– and may the stars shine bright tonight!
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How brightly shines
your majesty!Called NGC
two-two-six-four,But you are also so
much more.O Christmas tree, O
Christmas tree,How brightly shines
your majesty!
O Christmas tree, O
Christmas tree,So many stars adorn
thee!Your stellar furnace
casts it’s glow,And bathes us in
it’s light below.O Christmas tree, o
Christmas tree,So many stars adorn
O Christmas tree, O
Christmas tree,Twinkling for our
jubilee!So far to fly for
Santa’s sleigh:Twenty-six-thousand
light years ‘way.O Christmas tree, O
Christmas tree,Twinkling for our
O Christmas tree, O
Christmas tree,We greet you at our
apogee!We lift our eyes up
to the sky;Your light inspires
man to fly.O Christmas tree, O
Christmas tree,We
greet you at our apogee!
I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 licence.
O Christmas Tree Cluster – Sophus
If submitting our own songs is kosher, I wrote and posted an ode to the Christmas Tree Nebula, which might count as astronomy and/or holiday filk.
it is ABSOLUTELY accepted and ENCOURAGED, thank you and Merry Christmas from one of the mods who’s not Jewish!
Santa’s Got a Time Machine – The Moldy Filters
For those who celebrate, fear not! “Santa’s Got a Time Machine,” courtesy of The Moldy Filters. Catchy as can be, and seasonally appropriate.
Santa’s got a time machine
Got a flux capacitor under the seat
Of his sleigh, he’s traveling
With gallifreyan reindeer
And presents to bring
Sorry, Wrong Star – The PDX Broadsides
“Sorry, Wrong Star” by the PDX Broadsides, an… alternate ending to a traditional Christmas story.
Have a merry Star Wars season, everyone!
Filksong Genealogy: December of Cambreadth
Use your hooves and use your head
Don’t let down the Man in Red
“March of Cambreadth” (lyrics), by Heather Alexander, is a classic battle song about killing as many people as possible. “December of Cambreadth” (lyrics), a parody by Bob Kanefsky, is…also about maximization of output, but the similarities end there. Except that the language is, somehow, equally vicious.
(Series: Filksong Genealogy)
Christmas in India – Mark Horning
And at Home they’re making merry ‘neath the white and scarlet berry –
What part have India’s exiles in their mirth?
A belated Christmas present – Mark Horning performing his version of Kipling’s “Christmas in India” at the last Phoenix housefilk
The Enterprise Came Flying In – Star Trek Renegades
Now presenting… The Enterprise Came Flying In, the first pre-release from the IDICarols album, featuring Trekmas classics such as
- Hark, the Emissary Leads
- Rockin’ Around the Enterprise
- O! Mister Spock
- The Twelve Days of Trekmas
- and many, many more!
Secular, Trekular fun can be yours for the low, low price of your dignity! When no other holiday music will do, sing along to IDICarols, coming soon to a Trekkie near you.
[original instrumental track source]
O Yog Sothoth – Tom Smith
More Lovecraft, more Tom Smith, more Christmas.
Silent Night, Blasphemous Night, – the H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society
“Silent Night, Blasphemous Night,” from the H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society