Fuel to Feed the Drive/Fool to Feed the Drive – Cynthia McQuillin/Jordin Kare

What prayers can
stir the gods of space who dwell beyond the stars?
What mortal
words can help or heal an engine without power?
And will we
drift forever lost between the stars? We strive
To find a single
planet with fuel to feed the drive

Cynthia McQuillin’s “Fuel to Feed the Drive” is a “classic” in a very specific filkish way. That way is I heard multiple songs that referenced it before I managed to find a recording, but it’s finally on YouTube!

It also, typical of classic filk of a certain age, has a parody (by Jordin Kare) that’s perhaps even better known than the original – and it is helpfully included in this recording.

Lyrics to both versions and my best stab at the chords under the cut:

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The Society for Creative Anarchism


The FBI will occasionally try to infiltrate the Society for Creative Anachronism because it gets typo’d as the Society for Creative Anarchism


“They have rattan, sir.”


“Sir, it appears that they have a large number of people dedicated to weaving. What? No, as in cloth, sir.”


It’s one of the largest organizations of people who could genuinely go completely off the grid if shit hit the fan. None of this doomsday prepper wannabe bullshit. The world goes pear-shaped, all the networks go down and SCA people will go “huh, that’ll make it slightly less convenient to organize the next event, might have to get Doug to teach me about his carrier pigeons,” and go back to doing the things they were doing anyway.


There’s a song about that!


There is, of course, also a song about the FBI mistaking the spelling of Anachronism;

Vampire Bunnies – Blake Hodgetts

It’s a mystery where they came from, and they’re not a common breed,
And maybe, if I’d known at first, I’d never have agreed.
But somehow it seems right to raise these rabbits on my farm,
To guard them with my life, to see that nothing brings them harm.

“Vampire Bunnies,” by Blake Hodgetts.  I dunno, it’s a song called Vampire Bunnies, what more do you need?

smols-darklighter – Coruscant (is Palpatinople)




*eyes shoot open as I’m drifting off to sleep* AU where after the Empire was founded, Coruscant was renamed Palpatinople

#palpatown#palpatinopolis#philapalpia: the planet of palpable love#oh god make this stop


Coruscant is Palpatinople
It was Coruscant, now Palpatinople
The Jedi are gone, Palpatinople:
Here’s how liberty dies
And the Sith Lords rise.

Everyone on Palpatinople
Lived on Coruscant (now Palpatinople)
But if you are rich on Palpatinople
You were rich on Coruscant too.

(Even “Coruscant” was once “Had Abbadon.”
Why George changed it, here’s a clue:
Zahn’s writing in the the Old EU!)

OH, Sheev renamed it “Palpatinople,”
He’s the Senate now; Palpatinople–
How will “Palpatinople” get the boot?
That’s up to the Rebellion and Luuuuke!

*musical Wookiee noises*
It’sEvil (it’sEvil)
*more musical Wookiee noises*

Coruscant is Palpatinople
It was Coruscant, now Palpatinople
The Jedi are gone, Palpatinople:
How will “Palpatinople” get the boot?
That’s up to Han, Leia, and Luuuuke…

…and Rogue One (One-ONE-onnne)