The Society for Creative Anarchism


The FBI will occasionally try to infiltrate the Society for Creative Anachronism because it gets typo’d as the Society for Creative Anarchism


“They have rattan, sir.”


“Sir, it appears that they have a large number of people dedicated to weaving. What? No, as in cloth, sir.”


It’s one of the largest organizations of people who could genuinely go completely off the grid if shit hit the fan. None of this doomsday prepper wannabe bullshit. The world goes pear-shaped, all the networks go down and SCA people will go “huh, that’ll make it slightly less convenient to organize the next event, might have to get Doug to teach me about his carrier pigeons,” and go back to doing the things they were doing anyway.


There’s a song about that!


There is, of course, also a song about the FBI mistaking the spelling of Anachronism;