Sing Me The Chant – FeatherWriter


Had Hozier lived in Thedas, perhaps he would have written a song for blood mages in love, beneath the Chantry’s watchful gaze. A cover of “Take Me To Church” for the Dragon Age series.

Original Song: “Take Me To Church” by Hozier
Background Track: Michael Gaffney
Lyrics and Cover: FeatherWriter


My lover’s not hurtful
She’s a smile in the Circle
Her rivalry or her approval
Laid claim upon my soul
If a Herald ever did speak
She’s the Fade’s new mouthpiece
Every spell draining ‘til I’m weak
Cultivating her mystique
Power’s our curse
They say there’s none worse

Chantry offers no absolutes
Tells us worship our tormenters
The gilded cage that we’ve been sent to
Disappears when I’m with you
Pay your price quick
Can barely feel it
Enthralled beneath your spell

Amen, Amen, Amen

Sing me the chant
I’ll howl like a dog with each dissonant chord
I’ll smile as I burn, and you can sharpen your sword
Take from me this lifeless life
Oh, Maker, let this be my reward

Abominations of a new kind
Don’t let them come to light
Hold the secrets deep inside
Paint your lips with perfect lies
Forget what they teach
Embrace the Fade’s reach

No more wasting our potential
Bare your soul to the essential
Why hold back if we’re able?
Binding demons into faithful
Let the veins bleed
Raise a new creed
Bless this holy work


No passions or fear when the ritual begins
There is no sweeter innocence than our desperate sin
In the shadow and blood of that sad, fallen scene
Only then I’m made human, only then I am clean

Amen, Amen, Amen


Midichlorian Rhapsody – Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff

I’ve got no real life-
I live on Tatooine…

We posted a video of this song a couple years back, but it’s time for us to bring it back in honor of Star Wars season. So, here’s “Midichlorian Rhapsody” by Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff, 2014 Pegasus award winner and absolute gem of a Star Wars parody. There’s also a video of the 2014 OVFF performance, if you want to see a bunch of filkers pull off an impressive arrangement (there’s a reason Queen rarely performed Bohemian Rhapsody live…)

Lyrics available on Bandcamp.

One of Us – Heather Dale & Mana Bijandgoodarz

‘Cause she was not the biggest fighter nor one to raise a fuss
But I remember being proud that she was one of us
And we might never stand together in the shield-wall side by side
But because of her I lift my sword with pride

“One of Us” by Heather Dale, with incredible ASL interpretation by Mana Bijandgoodarz.

This is part of a really cool project that Heather Dale is collaborating on with Deaf storytellers. For more videos from the series, check out Heather’s YouTube Channel.

Strowler’s Song – Murder Ballads

There are stories in the vapor trail
Stories in the tracks
There are stories in my footprints
The ones that won’t turn back
And I’ve got songs trapped in my lungs
With every breath I let them fly
As I sing for my supper
Then I sing for the ride 

“Strowler’s Song” by Adam Fromm and performed by Murder Ballads (Adam Fromm & Catt Kingsgrave) with Heather Dale, Ben Deschamps, and S.J. Tucker.

Lyrics available on Bandcamp.

Be Prepared (for the Undead Gay Apocalypse) – avo


so i recorded this song months ago, and am finally posting it now because

(1) i am currently hardcore procrastinating on my schoolwork, and

(2) today marks two months since i first started T, and when i was listening to this track again i realized just how much my voice…doesn’t sound like that anymore.

it was the first moment that really hit home just how much things are changing in my life right now. i’ve come so far, and i am so different from the person i was just two months ago – who will i be two months from now? how can i know, until i get there?

…so, existential crisis aside, enjoy!  once again, shout out to @rabbittmouth, @dog-of-ulthar, and tom lehrer for inspiration.  lyrics are below the cut!

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If I Had the Copyright (The F Word Song) – Carla Ulbrich

If I had the copyright on the word ****
I’d say **** this job and yourself you dumb ****
No need for hard work and no need for luck
If I had the copyright on the word ****

“If I Had the Copyright (The F Word Song)” by Carla Ulbrich, which is pretty much what it says on the tin. There’s also an uncensored version, but honestly, this version is twice as funny.

Lyrics (uncensored) are available here.

Next Gen Girl – Leslie Hudson

I’m a Next Gen girl
And I know my place
Is on the bridge of the Enterprise D
I need an android and a Betazoid
And a smattering of humanoids
Uh huh, to satisfy me
So when a Vulcan uses contractions
And there are multiple uniform infractions
I gotta remind myself that I’m a Next Gen girl
An alien in an Original world 

“Next Gen Girl,” a declaration of loyalty from Leslie Hudson. She explains:

I grew up immersed in TNG and dabbling in the rest of Trek. When I finally started watching TOS as a series I felt it necessary to declare my bias. I may love it all, but TNG is mine forever.

Lyrics available on Bandcamp.

Knights of the Round Station – fixomnia-scribble

Filk dump.


With thanks to the Monty Python crew…or apologies…

We’re knights of the round station,
We welcome every nation
We work for peace and liberty
Despite our reputation.
We live well here on Babylon,
Even with all the rabble on.

We’re knights of the round station,
We’ve plenty a mutation
Which helps a bit when given scripts
That stretch imagination.
We’re all alert on Babylon:
We sleep with our communicators


(“Go ahead, C&C”)

In war we’re fair and prudent
If but a tad impudent
Between our quests we entertain guests
And scan them though we shouldn’t.
It’s a busy life on Babylon,
Lucky us, we’ve got Sheridan…