Tonight’s the night of Halloween


Tonight’s the night of Halloween,
and the fairy court will ride;
And she that would her true love win
at Miles Cross must bide.

Happy Halloween (or Hallowe’en, depending on your spelling preference)!

In celebration, have some filkers performing everyone’s favorite traditional ballad about getting knocked up by a weird guy in the woods and having to go rescue him on Halloween before the Faerie can sacrifice him to the Devil 🙂

This version of Tam Lin is performed by Tricky Pixie, aka S.J. Tucker, Alexander James Adams, and Betsy Tinney. Lyrics are available on bandcamp.

Ruby of the Sea – Ginny Di

Since I heard of this siren bright
I’m thinking about her from dawn until night
And though I’ll never be in her spell
I’m falling in love on the stories they tell

“Ruby of the Sea,” by Ginny Di, featuring StarLeigh as the title character, filmed by MoonDust Photography.  This is Ginny’s first original song!  And it’s available on iTunes, Amazon, and Spotify.

Alchemy – Cerian Cantwr

@arachnaetheyarnspider submitted: It’s been a while since I’ve seen any SCA filk on here. How about a song about a Very Serious Ancient Science?

(Let’s be honest, it’s been a while since there’s been ANYTHING on here.  I Have Become Grad School -dog mod)

Cerian Cantwr singing a song called “Alchemy,” about….alchemy.

Would you happen to know/have a link to any sort of ‘filk primer’ playlists or song recs, to send to people who are new to filk?

Nat (brain mod) made a whole “Filk 101″ series on 8tracks!
These have a got a pretty good range of songs, but I’d love to know if anyone else has an “intro to filk” playlist they give people when they’re trying to drag them in, or if there’s a song they consider The Filk Song when they want to give somebody a quick example!

Sun of Vulcan – Debra F. Sanders & Cynthia McQuillin

Sun of Vulcan grant that I may be restored
I do not seek nor understand, what I am fighting for

Have you always wanted to hear a heartfelt song about Pon Farr?  Would you like some genuine, vintage, archival quality Spirk content?  Yes, yes you would.

“Sun of Vulcan,” by Debra F. Sanders & Cynthia McQuillin

Lyrics below the cut, since they’re not readily available online.  Thanks to @aaaaaicantthinkofaname for the transcription!

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Keylor’s Rage – Heather Alexander

Keylor’s rage is burning for all her slaughtered kin
Pray gods we reach the back door while she’s still coming in
She spares no man or woman, her eyes blaze like the sun
She moves like nothing human – good gods, what has she done?

“Keylor’s Rage,” sung by Heather Alexander, based on lyrics in Andre Norton’s Witch World novels.  Full lyrics under the cut.

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