Omega 13 – The Faithful Sidekicks

“Omega 13,” a dance number by The Faithful Sidekicks (Eric and Jen Distad), who are made of win. This one is for those who love Galaxy Quest. Which should be everyone. Yes, that was a judgment.

Come on, do it again
Let’s rewind the scene
Put your coat on the hanger
And grab your doppelganger
Let’s do the Omega 13

The Battle – Dave Weingart


Two men face off across the field
One must win and the other yield
Razor knives shining in the light
The judges wait to decide the fight
And the contest starts, they begin the game
For honor, glory, self and fame
But who will win at the final breath
The challenger … or the Iron Chef?

(Posting mostly because this inspired me to.)

Alchemy – Cerian Cantwr

@arachnaetheyarnspider submitted: It’s been a while since I’ve seen any SCA filk on here. How about a song about a Very Serious Ancient Science?

(Let’s be honest, it’s been a while since there’s been ANYTHING on here.  I Have Become Grad School -dog mod)

Cerian Cantwr singing a song called “Alchemy,” about….alchemy.

Livejournal Shanty – Brooke vs. John

And it’s way hey, me lads, click on refresh again
There might be a new posting by one of your friends
Yes it’s way hey, me boys, leave a comment or two
It’s not like you’ve got something better to do

“Livejournal Shanty” by Brooke Abbey with John Caspell. Because as Brooke puts it, “I wanted to write a sea shanty. But I don’t exactly spend all day working on the sea. Or working on anything, really. ‘Gee,’ I thought to myself, ‘what DO I do all day?’ Oh. Oh yeah.”

And as the lyrics prove, while many of us have migrated away from Livejournal, it’s not like things have changed that much.

Lyrics (with chords!) available on Bandcamp.

Replicator Malfunction Blues – Chris Conway

I got the replicator malfunction blues
It messes up whatever I choose
Chief come and fix it and don’t be late
We never had this trouble on Deep Space 8
It’s driving me crazy, and I’m losing weight
And I got those replicator malfunction blues

“Replicator Malfunction Blues” by Chris Conway, a song about the trials of living on a certain space station.

Lyrics available on the Deep Space Love CD page (scroll halfway down the page to get to the lyrics section).

Godzilla – The Doubleclicks


What do you get when you meet Godzilla and fall in love?

This song is on Kesha’s new album, and a few of our friends told us that it sounded like a Doubleclicks song. When we heard it, we definitely wished we’d written it. So here, in tribute to this fantastic bit of songwriting: Godzilla! It’s a really sweet little song.