“One Last Battle,” by Bill Roper
Lyrics and chords here
Some Kind of Hero – Leslie Fish
“Some Kind of Hero,” by Leslie Fish
Another one of those sad songs about dead people in space, which are my favorite songs.
Come All You Knights – Technical Difficulties
(Am)Come you knights and come you pilots
(G)With your ships and sabers shining
(Am)Come and stop your (F)children’s crying
(Am)Come and join the (G)Jedi (Am)Queen
(Am)Come with might and come with glory
(G)Set your dreams and wings a-soaring
(Am)Hear the ancient (F)hidden story
(Am)Come and join the (G)Jedi (Am)Queen
(Am)Heard the tales the Empire spread, (G)told you rebels couldn’t (Am)win
(Am)So you locked your(F)doors before them, (Am)made your courage (G)battered, (Am)thin
(Am)Promised you the traitor’s land, (G)wealth and power in your (Am)house
(Am)You don’t even (F)have to fight, (Am)all you do is (G)watch them (Am)die
(Am)Never ask the dangerous questions, (G)such as why you’re off to (Am)war
(Am)Yours is but to (F)follow generals, (Am)going where the (G)trumpets (Am)blow
In the battle fought the axis, saw a pilot as he died
Looked into the shattered cockpit, heard my soul in torment cry
For the first time since I started, for the first time in my life
Looked into the enemy’s eye, found that they were just like mine
Lived with evil for so long now, had forgotten and truth and right
Knew my time had come and somehow found a way to join their fight
Lying in a blasted tomb with a full moon in my eyes
Had no hope that help was coming, when a flash lit up the skies
Thought it was a battle starship, thought that soon we all would die
Heard the word the emperor promised, knew right then it for a lie
Saw the rebel starships coming, being led by the chosen one
Evil forces lost that morning and a new day has begun
“Come You Knights,” by Sheila Willis, performed by Technical Difficulties at the 1986 Worldcon
You might notice that some of the lyrics above are wrong. If you do, please tell me. I transcribed them, and am very unsure about a lot of them. I haven’t been able to find them written anywhere. And I know nothing about Star Wars so I don’t know if anything makes no sense in context. But this song must be good, because I really like it anyway. Thanks to sci-fantasy for correcting a line, and pointing out that it’s sometimes sung as “Rebel Queen” rather than “Jedi Queen.” According to people in YouTube comments, it’s also sometimes “rebel fleet,” so. Take your pick.
Bob Kanefsy’s parody of it is also fantastic, as Bob Kanefsy’s parodies often are (and it’s how I have the chords for this).
They're Made Out of Meat – Kathleen Sloan
“Meat,” by Kathleen Sloan, based on the short story by the same name by Terry Bisson, performed by Kathleen Sloan and somebody whose name I don’t know who has been identified as probably Paul Kwinn by vagabondviolet at the 2014 Pegasus Awards concert, with sign language interpretation by Judi Miller.
Space Oddity – Chris Hadfield
Chris Hadfield singing David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” (with some lyrical adjustments to make it less terrifying)…IN SPACE
Posting space songs for Philae!
Legends – Bill Roper
“Legends” by Bill Roper
Posting space songs for Philae!
Starships – Pentatonix
Pentatonix’s cover of Nikki Minaj’s “Starships,” inspired by the news about NASA a couple years back
Because reasons
(You know why. Space songs for Philae)
Minus Ten and Counting – Leslie Fish & Arlin Robins
“Minus Ten and Counting” by Mercedes Lackey and Leslie Fish, performed by Leslie Fish and Arlin Robins
Space songs for Philae!
Toast for Unsung Heroes – Leslie Fish
“A Toast for Unsung Heroes” by Leslie Fish, performed by Fish, Julia Ecklar, and Doug Olsen, an iconic song about space travel.
You can probably make out the chords if you squint.
Bringing back some space songs for Philae!
Hope Eyrie – Julia Ecklar
“Hope Eyrie” by Leslie Fish, performed by Julia Ecklar. Originally about the moon landing, but I think it suits current events as well. It is a GOOD DAY to be HAPPY about SPACE.
Lyrics, chords, and a 4-part choral arrangement can be found here