The Fastest Ship in the Galaxy – astriiformes


(Tune is The Mary Ellen Carter by Stan Rogers)

Apparently what I do in times of political and social turmoil is stress-write stubborn Star Wars hope songs, so here’s another one that I threw together with unusual speed and am now releasing into the world for catharsis. Because why not make all the songs about ships about spaceships instead?

Also, even though I don’t have another in-universe write-up prepared, this song is still a spiritual successor to my other Rebellion filk that I wrote a few years ago, so definitely imagine a similar narrative for this one – a song that emerged in the hangars and halls of Rebel Alliance amongst the pilots and other freedom fighters that called them home, becoming cultural tradition and a rallying cry all wrapped into one.

Lyrics under the cut:

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Ijav D’Al (Remember) – Ariel Cinii

Great sadness: the New York filk community has lost a brilliant creator and a beloved friend, Ariel Cinii, also called I Abra Cinii, most frequently Abby to those who knew her personally. She will be terribly missed.

Of all the wonderful songs Abby wrote – some uplifting, some angry, some hilarious – this one seemed to me the most appropriate for this post. We’ll always remember you, dear friend.

Remember the times we had
Remember the good and bad
Remember the days and the nights and the years
Joys and fears we remember
Through the eyes of a soul
And a soul is a song
That goes on
For all time