I’m Winning – The DoubleClicks

“I’m Winning,” by The Doubleclicks

Check out this song about maybe gender and maybe video games that made me unexpectedly emotional!

Also check out the Kickstarter (30 hours left as of now) for the band’s new album!  It’s fully funded, but there are stretch goals!  Including an RPG livestream, since that’s all the rage right now.

Godzilla – The Doubleclicks


What do you get when you meet Godzilla and fall in love?

This song is on Kesha’s new album, and a few of our friends told us that it sounded like a Doubleclicks song. When we heard it, we definitely wished we’d written it. So here, in tribute to this fantastic bit of songwriting: Godzilla! It’s a really sweet little song.

Impostor – The Doubleclicks

Feels like I’ve held my breath for hours
And I turn on my eyes to find I’m very far away
I take account of all my wheels, my arm, and my tiny drill
After all my training, I will do nothing familiar today

“Impostor,” by The Doubleclicks
I usually put the chorus or something like that in that fancy indented bit, but…that seems spoilery with this.