Leslie Fish’s “Polaris/Recall” based on a fragment of verse in the story by H.P. Lovecraft, “Polaris”
(the story is good except for the racism, which is a pretty good summary of a lot of Lovecraft)
Do you have any idea how hard it is to find serious Lovecraft filk? Do you?
leslie fish
Wobblies from Space – Leslie Fish & the Dehorn Crew
This is the only song I’ve ever heard that my mother waited until the end of the song before turning the car off to go inside.
Banned From Arkham
so some of you know that I often rant about how there are TOO MANY SILLY LOVECRAFT ADAPTATIONS and NOT ENOUGH SERIOUS ONES and then I REFUSE TO INTERACT with the silly ones on PRINCIPLE
…but today I found a parody of the Most (in)Famous Filk Song Ever about getting kicked out of Arkham for causing a small apocalypse
it’s by a filker from Singapore called Terence Chua
and he’s adorable
I love him
just listen
The Ballad of Transport 18 – Leslie Fish
“The Ballad of Transport 18,” by Leslie Fish
…I just love that “songs about getting hella drunk in space” is its own genre
Sam Jones – Leslie Fish
Leslie Fish’s “Sam Jones” – one of those songs half about space travel, and half about filkers
Chickasaw Mountain – Leslie Fish
“Chickasaw Mountain,” Leslie Fish’s somewhat…unconventional tribute to Phil Ochs (one of the greatest protest singers ever to live, though if you didn’t know that I am so sorry and would be happy to recommend some songs)
Lyrics and chords available here
Thor – Leslie Fish
Leslie Fish’s song sometimes called “Thor,” sometimes called “Lord of Thunders,” and sometimes called “White Man’s Rain Chant.” All are pretty accurate.
Chords available here, lyrics in a more printable format here, and a totally legal download available here!
Some Kind of Hero – Leslie Fish
“Some Kind of Hero,” by Leslie Fish
Another one of those sad songs about dead people in space, which are my favorite songs.
The Palace – Leslie Fish
Leslie Fish’s setting of Rudyard Kipling’s “The Palace”
Everything I know about Masons comes from this song, Assassin’s Creed 3, and my grandfather, who is a Mason, but all he’s said is that they hired strippers once.