Mermaids and Queers – Misbehavin’ Maidens

“Mermaids and Queers,” our song based on this Tumblr post about asexuals and sirens. How would mermaids lure people of various sexualities?

This video has captions and ASL interpretation, thanks to the hard work of Kat Sharp (Sharp Productions) and Judi Miller (interpreter). We recorded this in lockdown for our virtual concert at the 2020 Ohio Valley Filk Festival.

The professionally-recorded version can be found on our third album, Swearing is Caring.

Sing Along Chorus – Mary Crowell and friends

Sing Along Chorus


Sing Along Chorus by Mary Crowell performed by the following folks!


Sopranos: Morva Bowman Mary Crowell Jen Midkiff Kat Morrison

Altos: Erin Bellavia Mary Crowell Anna O’Connell Kamilla White

Tenors: Rand Bellavia Christopher Ellman Hans Helsson Alan Pollard

Basses: Simon Crowell Eric Distad James Mahaffey


Violins: Sunnie Larsen Amy McNally Kamilla White

Wind Players: Clarinet, Mary Crowell Trumpet, Kat Morrison

Keyboard: Mary Crowell

Bass: James Mahaffey

Yes, “Sing Along Chorus” is the title of the song. A whole lot of awesome folks joined in for this one; well worth a watch.

who-needs-words asked:

who-needs-words asked:

Hi, so I was introduced to Filk music (excluding The Mechanisms) very recently, and I have absolutely no idea where to start. I want to learn more/ listen to it more. But confused Googling can only get me so far. Do you have any pointers?

We certainly do!

For starters, I’d recommend just browsing our back posts, especially the ones under the links tag, which includes a lot of posts about various resources and collections people have made. Pulling out three in particular:

Elsewhere: The wikipedia article on filk is dry but pretty accurate, and a good resource if you want to learn more about the history and typical present-day practice of filk. You can also check out the filk tag on bandcamp for a hell of a lot of good music, and searching for “filk” on youtube will turn up at least two fairly long playlists.

Followers, if you’ve got any more suggestions for @who-needs-words and anyone else who’s new here, please feel free to reblog this and add them!

Rhiannon’s Lark Kickstarter

New York-based Filker Rhiannon’s Lark just launched the Kickstarter for her new album! One of the songs on the album won the Iron Filker Contest at the Ohio Valley Filk Festival in 2019 (“Lost in Translation”).

As with most musicians and performers (and many others), her income has been severely impacted by the pandemic. Please support this Kickstarter and get some amazing new music!

Vintage Filk Preservation

Vintage Filk Preservation

Our goal is to accurately preserve the early and out-of-print history of recorded “filk” (science-fiction folk) for a new generation of listeners.

This is a volunteer project, and we do not monetize videos. No copyright infringement is intended. We are happy to remove songs upon request.


Check it out, folks! Some real good out-of-print filk albums here, and there may be more coming.