Hello, world

Hi everyone, long time no see! Sorry I’ve been bad at keeping the site up to date- the Filkblog kind of fell by the wayside due to, well… -gestures at the general state of the world-

I’m going through the backlog now, excluding announcements on the Tumblr that are WAY out of date. I’m backdating everything to when it was posted to Tumblr, but if anyone is subscribed, you’re about to be inundated with updates. Sorry about that!

I hope you’re all doing well! Live long and prosper, may the force be with you, etc.

-the brain mod

Anonymous asked:

As someone whos starting their masters degree in cosmonautical engineering of course i fell in love with filk not long ago (especially the space shanty kind). Im kinda hoping i can find someone who shares my love for space and filk here, maybe a penpal 🙂

I hope you can! Hey followers, sing out if you’d like to meet Anony here!

magicalballerinaprincess asked:

Gotta say, thank you SO much for running this blog. I’ve discovered so much music I love from you guys, thank you so much.

Thank you for listening!! I started this blog to help share more filk with the good people of tumblr, and I’m so happy when it actually works

Call for artists – Celestia Radio

A query emailed to us a couple weeks back:

Hey! Among the many thing I never expected to happen was to become the technical person for a fandom radio station. We are growing from a single fandom station to All Fandom All The Time. We are fan supported and make no money. Though one of the station owners pays the ASCAP license so we can play those tracks if needed.

I’m currently looking for more artists who are willing to give us permission to play their music on the station. No downloads and I’m not asking for freebie tracks – I’ve bought any tracks for new artists that I’ve reached out to. In the past I would have reached out to Harold (I knew him as HMS on Livejournal) to find willing artists but sadly he’s no longer with us.

Currently we have Tom Smith’s permission, Seanan McGuire, and Vicky & Tony. I can’t afford all of Tom’s stuff yet, and Creature Feature is out of print, but I’ve added any other tracks of theirs that I had. Would it be possible to get a hand through you to find willing artists?

The plan is to have a full artists reference page for anyone we have in the rotation. I just have to work out some sort of database on the back end.

Final caveat – the station started life as a Brony (My Little Pony) fan station. But we aren’t any more. And it’s adding filk as fast as I can get permission. (In between day job, injuries, family illness, etc. )

— RandomGreymane on Celestia Radio

If any filk artists want to have their work featured on a fan radio station, get in touch with admin@celestiaradio.com! You can listen to them at celestiaradio.com

For folks who follow us on WordPress:

I just wanted to apologize for the long, long delay in syncing our Tumblr posts and responding to folks. I work at an immigration legal nonprofit in the US, and as anyone following current US politics can probably guess, that’s been requiring rather a lot of my energy recently. I’ll be trying to get back to folks who’ve messaged us on WordPress over the next few days.


The Brain Mod

sophus-b asked:

What is your recommendation for non-tumblr-dependent sound hosting? I was considering Soundcloud, but if I’m reading their TOS correctly, anything that uses copyrighted elements risks getting one’s entire account terminated. To name an example, I was working on a version of Pure Imaginations based on the “World of OSHA Violations” joke, but though that *is* a parody, it’s also a copyrighted tune. Do you know of any sound hosting services that allow transformative works?

I personally have…no idea.  I use Soundcloud, but I haven’t tried putting up a parody.  Does anyone out there know?

Anonymous asked:

Do you take donations to help support your other location?

We didn’t have a donation system before, but your question prompted me to set one up! If you want to help us keep filkyeahfilk.com hosted, you can now donate at http://ko-fi.com/filkyeahfilk.

If you want to donate in something other than Ko-fi units of $3, you can message me off of anon or through the contact form on our site, and I can get in touch with my Paypal information. [Since it displays my actual name, I’m not comfortable posting a Paypal link online for the entire world to see.]

Keeping the site online costs me about $100 per year, so if folks wanted to help offset that, I would be incredibly grateful. Thanks for asking! <3

-The brain mod

Announcement from Tumblr

Hey everyone, we hopefully won’t be going anywhere, but with Tumblr currently hurtling towards its LiveJournal-style doom, this is a good time to remind you that we have this entire blog cross-posted at filkyeahfilk.com

I own and independently host the site, so even if Tumblr goes, we’ll be around as long as I can keep paying the hosting fees. This weekend I also made sure that we have our own backups of any files that were originally hosted at Tumblr, so the music and images we’ve gathered should stick around regardless of what happens. 

With love,
The brain mod