Vor – Bill & Brenda Sutton

Vor is the name we won from our fathers.
Vor is the love that our mothers provide.
Vor is the honor we share with our brothers.
Vor is the duty that keeps us alive. 

“Vor,” by Bill Sutton – a good, old-fashioned space hymn for the Vorkosigan Saga.  This version features Bill and Brenda Sutton, plus Betsy Tinney on cello, Chas Somdahl on guitar, and Dave Clement, Becca Leathers, and Michelle Dockrey providing backing vocals – including a beautiful Russian counterpoint, written by Michelle.

The Lady – Urban Tapestry

But the Lady is faithful, she rides the bright sea
Her bowing is graceful, full of dignity
She speeds ‘cross the water, the wind at her back
And the crew hopes she’ll carry them home

“The Lady,” by Urban Tapestry (Debbie Ridpath Ohi, Allison Durno, and Jodi Krangle)  plus Tom Jeffers on bass, Dave Clement on lead guitar, and Kylea Fulton on pennywhistle
An immigration song…about vampires.