Hi everyone, long time no see! Sorry I’ve been bad at keeping the site up to date- the Filkblog kind of fell by the wayside due to, well… -gestures at the general state of the world-
I’m going through the backlog now, excluding announcements on the Tumblr that are WAY out of date. I’m backdating everything to when it was posted to Tumblr, but if anyone is subscribed, you’re about to be inundated with updates. Sorry about that!
I hope you’re all doing well! Live long and prosper, may the force be with you, etc.
Yes, folks, we are once more holding NEFilk as an online event in June 2022.
Please join us for NEWh3re (pronounced “Anywhere Three!”), June 10-12, 2022, with Guests of Honor Astrisoni. Check out their bandcamp, and stay tuned for more announcements!
Did y’all know that I’m an award-winning singer/songwriter? It’s true! My Wikipedia page even says so! And my first studio album, Stars Fall Home, is available again for Hogswatch! Get your copy here:
New York-based Filker Rhiannon’s Lark just launched the Kickstarter for her new album! One of the songs on the album won the Iron Filker Contest at the Ohio Valley Filk Festival in 2019 (“Lost in Translation”).
As with most musicians and performers (and many others), her income has been severely impacted by the pandemic. Please support this Kickstarter and get some amazing new music!
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, NEFilk is regretfully altering our original plans to hold a relaxacon in July 2020. Instead, we intend to hold an online event July 3-5, 2020 as part of the ongoing Festival of Living Rooms, and (with the agreement of our hotel) the in-person NEFilk Relaxacon has been rescheduled to June 18-20, 2021.
Great sadness: the New York filk community has lost a brilliant creator and a beloved friend, Ariel Cinii, also called I Abra Cinii, most frequently Abby to those who knew her personally. She will be terribly missed.
Of all the wonderful songs Abby wrote – some uplifting, some angry, some hilarious – this one seemed to me the most appropriate for this post. We’ll always remember you, dear friend.
Remember the times we had
Remember the good and bad
Remember the days and the nights and the years
Joys and fears we remember
Through the eyes of a soul
And a soul is a song
That goes on
For all time
Save the date: July 3-5, 2020!
Join us at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Danbury, CT, for a filk relaxacon!
(relaxafilk? filaxacon? eh, we’ll figure it out)
In the last few years, filk has lost two major recording engineers, Chris “Keris” Croughton and Harold M. Stein. Like many filkers, Harold was a great collector of tapes and CDs, but his collection went beyond that, into raw board feeds from filk concerts and the steadfast recording of housefilks and filk circles at conventions. Harold would tirelessly run around with his dozen Zoom recorders, capturing every detail, sometimes in quadruplicate. He also acquired the recording collections of many filk stalwarts, including Wail Songs founder Bob Laurent.
Harold also collected songbooks at a prodigious rate. Not just professionally produced songbooks from Wail Songs and Off Centaur, but also peoples’ personal collections, which he duly scanned in. And we still have all those files, many of them unprocessed, but we now have a way to continue his work.
If you’ve attended lots of filk cons, or regional filk circles, please help us identify audio clips of voices and songs. If you haven’t, please help us out on identifying songbooks. All your work helps us extend Harold’s dream.
Thank you!
Director, Harold M. Stein Memorial Filk Archive