“Rimini,” a marching song for the Roman legions, words by Rudyard Kipling, tune by Leslie Fish.
I spent a while messing with Riffstation to try and figure out the chords for this, and it worked…alright. What I came up with may not be exact, but it works. Try substituting fifths and nearby minor chords if anything doesn’t sound right to you. I believe Fish has it capoed up four frets; anyway, this is the easiest key I found.
Lyrics and chords here
A Grazing Mace
A grazing mace, how sweet the sound, that felled my foe for me
I bashed his head, he struck the ground, and thus came victory
My mace has taught my foes to fear, that mace my fear relieved
How precious did my mace appear, when I my mace received
Through many tourneys wars and fairs, I have already come
My mace has brought me safe thus far, my mace will bring me home
The King has promised good to me, his word my hope secures
I will his shield and weapon be, when he gives me my spurs
And when my mace my foeman nails, that mortal strife shall cease
And we’ll possess within our pale, a life of joy and peace
A grazing mace, how sweet the sound that flattened a wretch like thee!
whose head is flat, that once was round done in by my mace….and me!

Joan – Heather Dale
Heather Dale’s song for Joan of Arc
Lyrics and chords available here
(Somebody wrote a version about Joan Watson, but I haven’t been able to find lyrics. Anybody out there have any leads?)
Bold Marauder – Richard Fariña & Mimi Baez
A historical song, about the Crusades – “Bold Marauder,” by Richard Fariña and Mimi Baez
Good dulcimer on this one. The world needs more dulcimer.
Also, good melodrama. The world probably doesn’t need more melodrama, but I like it anyway.At a con a while back I got to hear Bill Roper sing his hilarious parody of this song. And knowing the original meant that I could sing harmony, at least when I wasn’t cracking up.
this is good because one, parody, and two, the parody has chords and I couldn’t find chords
Bold Marauder – Richard Fariña & Mimi Baez
A historical song, about the Crusades – “Bold Marauder,” by Richard Fariña and Mimi Baez
Good dulcimer on this one. The world needs more dulcimer.
Also, good melodrama. The world probably doesn’t need more melodrama, but I like it anyway.
The Roman Centurion's Song
Lyrics by Kipling, tune by Leslie Fish
Link is to a downloadable file! A legal download, even!