smols-darklighter – Coruscant (is Palpatinople)




*eyes shoot open as I’m drifting off to sleep* AU where after the Empire was founded, Coruscant was renamed Palpatinople

#palpatown#palpatinopolis#philapalpia: the planet of palpable love#oh god make this stop


Coruscant is Palpatinople
It was Coruscant, now Palpatinople
The Jedi are gone, Palpatinople:
Here’s how liberty dies
And the Sith Lords rise.

Everyone on Palpatinople
Lived on Coruscant (now Palpatinople)
But if you are rich on Palpatinople
You were rich on Coruscant too.

(Even “Coruscant” was once “Had Abbadon.”
Why George changed it, here’s a clue:
Zahn’s writing in the the Old EU!)

OH, Sheev renamed it “Palpatinople,”
He’s the Senate now; Palpatinople–
How will “Palpatinople” get the boot?
That’s up to the Rebellion and Luuuuke!

*musical Wookiee noises*
It’sEvil (it’sEvil)
*more musical Wookiee noises*

Coruscant is Palpatinople
It was Coruscant, now Palpatinople
The Jedi are gone, Palpatinople:
How will “Palpatinople” get the boot?
That’s up to Han, Leia, and Luuuuke…

…and Rogue One (One-ONE-onnne)

The Deep Shall Bite Down (Akanisian folk lullaby) – smols-darklighter


The moons are the moons and the sun is the sun
The fish bite at dusk and the fish bite at dawn
But a sun is a star and a moon is a world
And the deep shall bite down when the dusk unfurls.

The sea is the sea and the land is the land
A fish is a fish and a man is a man
But men are as fish to the land of the sea
And fishes, like men, cannot live hungry.

An arm is an arm and a leg is a leg
A seed is a seed and an egg is an egg
One for to butcher and one for to thresh
But the flesh of all is all one flesh.

A womb is a womb and a prick is a prick
The slow fish are slow and the fast fish are quick
But a womb may have thorns and a prick may bear wounds
Oh the swift break their fast, but the slow shall eat soon.

And the deep shall bite down when the dusk unfurls
From the hungriness at the heart of the world
So sleep, little fishes, swift may you dream
And slow may you wake to the arms of the sea.

– local woman of Scaparus Port, Arkanis recorded by Sabekka Pallopides, student of Sentient Cultures at Theed University, Naboo
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