Ophelia – Playing Rapunzel

“Ophelia” by Playing Rapunzel, a gorgeous song for a missing scene in Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

Lyrics are available on Bandcamp.

Content warning – this song is set immediately before Ophelia’s suicide by drowning, and delves pretty deeply into her headspace at the time. Be especially careful if suicidal ideation is an issue for you.

Elsinore – Vanessa Cardui

“The lyrics of the chorus (beginning with “The child that from the tear”) are a poem entitled ‘The Procreations of Eve and the Copulations of Adam’, by George Barker, published in his 1992 volume ‘Street Ballads’. The poem is used by the gracious permission of Barker’s estate. The song was inspired in equal parts by Barker’s poetry and by Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’. Each voice represents a different character in the drama.”

This is…haunting.  I’m really impressed by this singer’s madrigal-esque text settings.
“Elsinore,” by Vanessa Cardui