One of Us – Heather Dale

‘Cause she was not the biggest fighter nor one to raise a fuss
But I remember being proud that she was one of us
And we might never stand together in the shield-wall side by side
But because of her I lift my sword with pride

So Heather Dale recently put out a children’s album, which is basically a “my first filk” compilation, and this song seems to be here to encourage little girls to join the SCA and beat the crap out of people.
…needless to say, I approve

The Road to Santiago – Heather Dale

For one had come from Germany, and one from here in Spain,
And one from near the Bosporus where Constantine had reigned.
From every land they sallied forth, then ventured home again,
And found a road worth walking,
They found this road worth walking,
For all agreed their roads were much the same.

“The Road to Santiago” by Heather Dale.  I’ve been to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.  Didn’t do the pilgrimage; I was in Spain with a youth orchestra and we were just being tourists.  But it’s a very nice cathedral.
Anyway, good song.  Very nice tune.  Lyrics available here.

The Maiden and the Selkie – Heather Dale

 ‘I have come in from the ocean
I have come in from the sea
And I’ll not go to the waves, love,
Lest ye come along with me.’

“The Maiden and the Selkie,” by Heather Dale
Since the only other selkie song is “The Great Selkie of Sule Skerry,” I’m not used to happy endings, but occasionally it seems to work out.
Lyrics available here

Black Fox – Heather Dale

As we were out a-hunting, one morning in the spring.
Both hounds and horses, running well, made the hills and the valleys ring.
But to our great misfortune, no fox there could be found.
Our huntsmen cursed and swore but still no fox moved over the ground.

Careful what you wish for, and all that.
“Black Fox,” by Heather Dale
Lyrics available here