Hey, you know how I keep telling you that these are partner songs? Here is evidence!
Seas of Space: Tune traditional, lyrics by Suzette Haden Elgin
Chase the Wind: Tune by Donovan Leitch, lyrics by me
Chase the Wind – Araxie Haldane
Written as a companion song to “Seas Of Space,” this is sung to the tune of “Catch The Wind” by Dovovan Leitch (at least the version I learned by ear at my college folk music society; apparently recorded versions are quite different)
Queen Mab – Donovan
A little fairy comes at night,
her eyes are blue and her hair is brown
With silver spots upon her wings
And from the moon she flutters down.
This isn’t quite the Fairy Queen interpretation I’m used to (by which I mean, she doesn’t threaten to take anybody’s eyes out or steal any children), but it’s pretty.
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/)