Wonders – S. J. Tucker

It’s the wonders that I’m after,
even if I have to bleed,
and make very rash decisions
for the sake of what I need.
Dancing kisses on my cheek,
it’s the wonders that I seek,
and I swear I am not afraid. 

“Wonders” by S. J. Tucker, which she dedicates to “all of us who dare to go on quests that we can’t see the end of.”

Lyrics available on Bandcamp.

Glashtyn Shanty – S. J. Tucker

When the tithe came callin’, where were you?
When the tithe comes callin’, there is nothing you can do.
Haul away, haul away, haul away

Do I really know what’s going on in this song?  No, because I haven’t read Catherynne M. Valente’s Fairyland novels, which are what this album is based on.  Do I mind?  No, because a creepy sea shanty is still a creepy sea shanty!
“Glashtyn Shanty,” by S. J. Tucker