Faithful Sidekicks


Thought I’d put a plug here for the Kickstarter that the Faithful Sidekicks, a really fun and sweet filk duo we met at OVFF last year who make equally fun and sweet music, are running for their new album, Our Kind of Strange

They’ve got previews of several of the songs that you can listen to already (and I feel like many of you need to know that one of them is about a found family of monsters, plus another that’s about spoons/chronic health issues that I love and find deeply relatable) and it looks like it’s going to be a really positive, nerdy album in general.

(This is also a recommendation to check out their other music, too, since they have two albums already on Bandcamp. My favorite song of theirs is probably still Fatty Bolger, which if you’re looking for songs about obscure LotR characters is absolutely perfect.)

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