Signal boost: new Sassafrass kickstarter for new albums!

From the Kickstarter page:

We are raising money to release two new collections of close harmony a cappella story and myth music, composed by Ada Palmer and performed by Sassafrass. 

“Stories and Stone” is a companion album to our Norse Myth song cycle “Sundown: Whispers of Ragnarok” which was funded by an earlier Kickstarter and released on CD and DVD in Spring 2015. “Stories and Stone” contains alternate arrangements of most of the music from the Sundown project, plus our encore Space exploration anthem “Somebody Will”. The music is finished, and the goal of this campaign is to raise the funds to produce the CD by the end of this summer. If we make our first stretch goal we will also release a second CD during the next year, “Friend in the Dark,” collecting experimental arrangements of our Norse music and many of Ada’s earlier songs, which have been out of print while we concentrated on the Sundown project, performed by Ada and Lauren Schiller, performing as the duo “Sassafrass: Trickster & King.”

Music tracks from both “Stories and Stone” and the in-progress “Friend in the Dark” are already available digitally on Sassafrass’s Bandcamp page, and very worth a listen.  As is everything else there – especially, if you have any interest at all in space exploration,  "Somebody Will".