Say it once, say it
twice, say it so you won’t forget
Live a life, live it
hard, live each day without regret
“Molly’s Wake Song,” written and performed by Drake Meed (@makingcosplay on Twitter) at the Hour of Honor Critical Role meetup at GenCon 2019. A touching tribute to a fallen friend, and Drake left an equally poignant comment on the video:
“Thank you all, so incredibly much, for listening and allowing me to
share this. And, more importantly, sing this. Share it. Pass it forward
with anyone who will listen, if you feel so compelled. It was written as
a bardic and in the spirit of being carried on.”
In the spirit of that, full lyrics are under the cut, as are the chords Alvaro Alemparte figured out and put in the YouTube comments. The transcription is mine, so take it with some salt.