captainlordauditor asked:
Would you happen to know/have a link to any sort of ‘filk primer’ playlists or song recs, to send to people who are new to filk?
Nat (brain mod) made a whole “Filk 101″ series on 8tracks!
“Unit 1: Parody Everything”
“Unit 2: SPACE!”
“Unit 3: This Is What Happens When You Let Fantasy Novelists Write Music”
“Unit 2: SPACE!”
“Unit 3: This Is What Happens When You Let Fantasy Novelists Write Music”
These have a got a pretty good range of songs, but I’d love to know if anyone else has an “intro to filk” playlist they give people when they’re trying to drag them in, or if there’s a song they consider The Filk Song when they want to give somebody a quick example!