A cheeky song about Garnet (and the others) looking after baby Steven!
Tagging the usual crowd plus some who I think might like it: @bluespacequeen @jen-iii @jasper-jen @basicblokc @harley-stuck-30This is based on two one-shots, whose writers have very kindly let me use. The first is this one by @cardassian-andorian – the first verse is basically lifted from it (with adjustments for rhyming). The second is A Moment of Rest by @squaremomgsquad. Both are lovely adorable pieces with a wholesome dose of Rupphire as well, so go read them and leave all the reviews! The rest of the song is my own stuff. It’s also the first I’ve recorded with my new mic so I hope the buzz is slightly less!
If you like this song, check out my other 2 Steven Universe fansongs!
Lyrics (cut because it’s very wordy):He’s on the warp pad, in the fridge, he’s on the couch, he’s on the ladder
He’s outside, inside, on the roof, floor, television, kitchen counter
He’s crawling everywhere, and Garnet’s got to keep her wits about her – her future vision’s going wild…